Advent 2024

Advent 2024

From Darkness to Light: Christmas 2024

We know what it is like to walk in darkness. Darkness blankets the path and hides the way forward. It is easy to trip and fall. Darkness, especially prolonged darkness, can feel all-encompassing, like morning will never come again.

It is to this kind of a dark world that God promised the appearance of a light that would shine with such intensity it would dispel all darkness. This light would illuminate all the dark corners of our world and of our hearts to bring hope. This Advent season, we celebrate Jesus, the true light who pierced the darkness of our world and shone the glory of God into our hearts.

Advent Services

We welcome you to come in person or online each Sunday at 10:15 AM. We’ll have music, dramatic readings, and candle lighting during each Sunday of Advent. If you’re coming in person, coffee and tea will be available starting at 10 AM.

Plus, celebrate the birth of Jesus with us on Tuesday, December 24 at 6:30 PM for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. All ages are welcome!

Reverse Advent

As we think about giving this Christmas season, consider participating in the Reverse Advent Calendar project. We encourage each person to fill an empty box with non-perishables over the period of 24 days leading up to Christmas. These boxes will be used in our Bridges Food Bank program to help families in need. Challenge your friends, family, or neighbours to participate too, whether they do it on their own or together with you!

Pick up a basket and a Reverse Advent calendar from the church, or print off a copy and use a box (or two!) from home. The calendar has suggestions of non-perishable contributions you could add to your basket each day from December 1 through December 24, along with daily scripture verses and ways to pray for those struggling with food insecurity. Then, bring your basket back to church on Christmas Eve or at the end of December. This is a great way to share the love of Jesus with our Bridges families in a practical way!

Contact if you have any questions.

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