Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth at Glencairn

The fact that the gospel has the power of God to salvation (Romans 1:16) is central to the Christian faith. This salvation is not only a means to eternal life, it is a means to wholeness and a purposeful, Spirit-conscious life in the here and now.

At Glencairn we take the call to grow in the full measure of Christ (Ephesians 4) seriously and invite all to take intentional steps to grow in Christ-likeness. Read below about some opportunities at our church. To get connected with Glencairn ministries that can help you grow in your faith, contact office@glencairn.ca.

Life Groups

A Life Group is a regular small group gathering of 6 to 12 people for the purpose of experiencing love and care while growing as a disciple. The purpose of the Life Group ministry is “Building Disciples By Building Community.” Life Groups meet together regularly in homes to build relationships, learn God’s Word, and support one another in life’s challenges, often from September through June.

We need the support and encouragement of others to become more like Jesus. That is why Life Groups will focus on building caring relationships. Group members will model various aspects of discipleship for one another, challenging one another with their lives and God’s Word.

Join a Life Group
Are you new at Glencairn
or curious about what Life Groups are and how they work? Interested in joining or starting a Life Group? Speak with someone at the Welcome desk or contact us for more information!

Bible Study

As the Bible is God’s word and instruction for our lives, studying the Bible is an important discipline and practice to learn and grow together. We meet throughout the year to study the Bible as a collective group.

Learn more about upcoming Bible Study sessions.

Baptism & Membership

Baptism is an important and profound step in our journey of faith with Jesus Christ, an ancient ritual that publicly proclaims both our allegiance to Jesus as our forgiver and the leader of our life and our commitment to his community of faith, the church.

Contact Pastor Richard to learn more about baptism and membership. He would be happy to answer any questions you may have and join you in this important decision.

Upcoming Baptism & Membership Class
Discover what committing to Christ and the church means and why we practice baptism. Sign up online to be notified of future classes.

New Believer Courses

This is a five-week program for new and growing Christians. It is an exploration of what the Bible says about having confidence that believing in Jesus is a solid decision.

These courses are available at all times, and the study time is flexible to your needs. There is no cost to participate and you will receive a free Growing In Christ workbook. Some homework is required. Anyone who is exploring the Christian faith is welcome to join.


Prayer is the avenue for intimate communion with God. It is the channel by which God’s power flows, revitalizes, and brings peace beyond understanding. We believe prayer is practiced by listening and talking to God and expecting Him to provide the answers and directions to life.

SHAPE Course

You have God-given gifts that are meant to be a blessing to the Body of Christ. As Job 10:8 says, “You [God] formed me and shaped me.”  The Glencairn Discernment Team wants to help you understand your gifts and how God shaped you for fruitful and fulfilling ministry at church or in the community.

We can help you find a place to serve by first determining your SHAPE. You will get to know your SHAPE by discovering and embracing the Spiritual gifts, Heart (passion), Abilities, Personality, and Experiences God has given you.

Once you realize your SHAPE to understand what God made you to be, we can you help you learn what God wants you to do in ministry. The Discernment Team will be glad to help you discover your SHAPE or explore ministry opportunities.

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