

Jr. Youth (Grades 6–8)

The Jr. Youths are a group of high-energy students in grades 6–8. We love having fun, sharing who we are with others and talking about important things.

We meet weekly on Sundays for a small group time during our Sunday service. Our amazing small group leaders share how we can connect with Jesus and our world.

We also get together on Tuesday evenings between 6:30–8:30pm during the school year for games, snacks, and faith-building activities.

Sr. Youth (Grades 9–12)

The Sr. Youth group is for those in grades 9–12. Our mission is to provide youth a fun and safe community where disciples are made and encouraged to serve and grow in their faith.

We meet every Friday night at the church from 7–10pm during the school year for a time of hanging out, games, food, Bible study, and small groups.

Youth Registration

If you have children and youth under 18 participating in any weekly programs, please take the time to register them so we can provide the best care possible.

Weekly youth nights take a pause during the summer months but will kick off again the second week of September! If you have questions, please contact us or reach out to Pastor Jamie.

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