Summer Camp

Summer Camp

VBC 2025: July 21–25

Vacation Bible Camp (VBC) at Glencairn is a week-long morning program for children in JK through Grade 5 for the 2024/2025 academic year (going into SK-Grade 6 in September 2025).

This July, kids will learn about building a rock-solid foundation with Jesus. At True North VBC, we’ll discover that Jesus is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North! 🧭

When: July 21–25, 2025 at 9am–noon
Who: Kindergarten through Grade 5 (2024-2025 academic year)
Registration info: Cost is $25 per child at the door.
Registration now open

Once we hit capacity, we will notify those on the waitlist in order of registration. If you missed registration this year, we hope to see you at VBC next summer!

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